BreakR is...

A voice messaging platform for people on the move

A modern walkie-talkie replacement

Hands-free, voice-controlled exchange of short audio recordings

Get it Free!
Background notifications screenshot

Join the revolution in voice messaging!

Get it on iOS now. Android version is coming later this year

Unlimited Features, Unlimited Fun

Check out what you can do with BreakR!

Voice changer screenshot

Voice Activated

Can be operated in hands-free mode: no need to push to talk!

Text to Speech

If you can’t talk, type your message and it will be played as audio to the recipient

Voice Changing Filters

Surprise your friends by applying funny voice filters

Mute at Any Time

Every channel can be muted and turned into voicemail at any time to protect your privacy

Stop texting.
Start talking.

Let's Get Started!

We would to hear from you!